HOCKEY IS BACK AND BALANCE HAS BEEN RESTORED!!!!! This makes perfect sense, considering we’re transitioning into Libra season, the season of liberation, justice, and balance! Quinn Hughes, Oct 14, 1999

September 22nd we not only enter Libra season, but it’s also one of the 8 sabbaths on the Witch’s Wheel of the year of sacred holidays, festivals, and feasts - Mabon. Mabon (Autumnal Equinox, for all you non-spiritual people) or second harvest is when we begin to return to the darkness. Light begins to fade away, days grow shorter, and eventually, daylight savings hits us and hockey is played during the dark of night the way it was intended. 

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Mabon is a holiday that is generally celebrated with cleansing, food, bonfires, and solitude. It’s a great time to store for the winter (ie: make plans for those colder months) and maybe even bring some new perspectives in by going internal, listening to yourself in silence, and seeing what it is you really need at this time.

If you would like a ritual to do for Mabon:

•Buy a cinnamon broom*
•Open all doors and windows
•Energetically "sweep out" your home moving counter clockwise from one corner to the next. You can figuratively brush, or actually sweep if you want to. Brush the energy out a door or window. (I tend to use the broom to "dust" or collect cobwebs that have gathered)
•You can cleanse your space with sound, sacred smoke (please do not use Indigenous methods if you are not Indigenous, including but not limited to, Palo Santo and "Smudging"), dancing, singing, etc for a more effective cleanse. Some people may also choose to sweep and mop their floors. If you mop floors, I suggest adding something like Florida Water to cleanse your space.
•Hang up your cinnamon broom in a space that you'd like to collect negative energy throughout the year so you can continue the ritual next Mabon. See below for further instructions.

*The best practice is to cleanse your space and hang up your cinnamon broom until the next year. Next Mabon, take down your old cinnamon broom and burn it after cleansing your space with it once again. Buy a new cinnamon broom like before and hang it in the old brooms place until next year, repeating the cycle.

You should be able to purchase a cinnamon groom at any local grocery store.

H-E-B Spring Creek Market - Cinnamon Brooms are a great way to Holiday  scent your room!! In our Floral Dept. | Facebook


Libra energy can aid in this because it restores balance to our lives, minds, and souls. If there’s anything you’ve been worried about, Libra season will assuredly bring it up! So take some more time, if you need to, and make a decision to act. 

Adam Fantilli, October 12, 2004

Not feeling balanced out by October 2nd? Then you have things you need to let go of, desperately. During this month, we will experience a Solar South Node Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd. This is a time to release, forget, forgive, move on. This eclipse may force those things out of you if you don’t handle it on your own. Libra likes to feel free and not have to make a lot of bulky or difficult decisions, so if you’re feeling this, use the eclipse to rid yourself of indecisiveness and MAKE A MOVE. (And yes, buy that fucking jersey you’ve been wanting!)


The full moon is in Aries on October 17th which is a time where energy may feel primal. Fire (Aries) + Air (Libra) will move rapidly, like dry brush on fire, to clear out any excess energy you don’t want to carry on with you into Scorpio season starting October 22nd. 


This season is all about CLEARING.

What does that mean for hockey?

Sean Monahan, October 12, 1994

Look for lots of retirement announcements, PTO’s not working out, players going to other leagues outside of the NHL, and boys being sent down to AHL and back to their old leagues. Teams will be clearing nonsense, people that don’t fit, and not worrying about filling any holes (unless you’re the fucking Boston Bruins - but we’ll get to that). 

Left: Brock Nelson, October 15, 1991; Right: Alexis Lafrenière, October 11, 2001

Teams with inconsistencies with lines will start to see better structure with more clarity - the unease of not knowing linemates will diminish and teams will seem more cohesive with this if they haven’t been in the past.

The beginning of this season, there should be an energy of collective comradery, almost like we’re all on the same team (I know, I know, bear with me.) We will see a lot of togetherness come from home openers in moments of silence and memoriams for Johnny and Matthew Gaudreau. It’s going to be sad, of course, but it’s also going to bring us all together, help us hold our friends (and maybe enemies?) closer. This season and time, this particular moment of time in history of hockey, should help us let go of shit that doesn’t matter, tell people you love them, and learn from the tragedy of other’s mistakes. If you are suffering from addiction and need help, now is the time to ask for it. Now is the time to take steps and get that help. Because of this, we might see an increase, or some notable players entering the Player Assistance program. We’ve seen an increase in players entering the past few years, which is a great thing because they’re utilizing resources offered to them, and I believe, as stigmas are broken down, we will continue to see this rise. 

Fredrick "Freddie" Anderson, October 2, 1989

There will surely be a fire lit under teams' asses around the 17th and that Aries full moon - look for a rise in aggression and potentially more thoughtless fights and penalties. Hopefully nothing major. 

 Natalie Spooner, October 17, 1990

Keep in mind during this time, there is a lot of movement into Scorpio energy as well - Venus leaves libra and moves into Scorpio a few hours into the sun shifting to Libra. Halfway through October, Mercury also shifts into Scorpio. Scorpio energy is dark, calculated, secretive, slight, and maybe a bit paranoid. Venus, the planet of relationships and love, and Mercury, planet of communication, will come into play in a big way toward the end of the season (mid-October). Be aware of how you are speaking to others (and yourself), and be aware of slander throughout the league and perhaps even a scandal (like we need more of that.)


The question on a lot of people’s minds - what the fuck is going on with the Boston Bruins and Jeremy Swayman’s contract - or lack thereof? 

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Jeremy Swayman, Boston Bruins

You would think with Libra season, the season of balance and restoration, we’d make some headway here - but unfortunately, the flip side of Libra, the indecisive friend we all want to just fucking make a choice but can’t, we all know them, we all love them - it is not in their power to make choices because they just want everyone happy.

I needed to ask the Tarot more specifically about this little situation:

Looks like we just need a little more patience, but we’re getting there. 


This reading leads me to believe we’re going to be coming out of the darkness here with this contract situation soon. It’s going to be a balanced deal that everyone is happy with, and both sides will get what they want. There is some naivety on Swayman’s part with the daughter of swords with the Pipe Dream card of 7 of cups, so I think ultimately if anyone is getting the short end of the stick, it’ll be him, but he’ll still be happy with it because he’ll be playing. But, it’s another lesson learned going into contract season for him. You can’t always get what you want, it’s a business, and if what you really want is to play, then sometimes, you have to bend before you break. And as a Sagittarius, he won’t break - he’ll just simply move on. Doesn’t seem like we’ll be needing to do that here. 

I think it’s interesting to note that the “NEW MOON” card is, in fact, Bruins colors. It seems the October 2nd eclipse is going to have a massive effect on this deal, whether that’s the time where someone gets pushed over the edge and we see a conclusion, or when the contract terms will be announced. That energy, forced release, is going to probably push Sway to ease off the gas and allow Bruins to sign him with a contract that is fair.

The other oracle called pulled is “SOON” - so. Needless to say. Something is coming. Lingering until October 2nd won’t be fun for Bruins fans, but at least it’s something we can try to look forward to. 

Decks used:

The Wild Unknown by Kim Krans
Sacred Symbols by Marcella Kroll
Only Time Will Tell by Jessica Bott

Finally - don’t forget, Libra is ruled be Venus, the planet of love and pleasure. Don’t forget to do things exclusively for yourself this season. Buy special treats, use that special lotion, buy yourself something nice, take yourself out on a date to a hockey game. Treat yo’self! And Libra season will treat you back! 🖤💜

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I've been reading Astrology as an amateur for over 10 years. My methods and readings are a mix of traditional tropical interpretations and "rules" as well as my own intuitive messages.

I have been reading tarot for 10 years and read professionally for 5 years. I use several intuitively guided ways to interpret the cards.

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