This season brings with it a lot of vulnerability. Generally, when we think of Scorpios and the season itself, we think of taboos - death, sex, addictions, vices - those things we should never speak about publicly. This season asks you to dive into those, but don’t just belly flop. Submerge yourself slowly in the cool surrounding waters of Scorpio and bathe in what the mysteries have to offer - you might find yourself learning something new about yourself and maybe your team.
This Scorpio season comes with a lot of baggage - the world is on fire, a genocide is currently occurring, political parties are in a humongous strife, human rights are on the line - it’s not a comforting time, so looking for comfort in the secretive and somewhat aloof Scorpio may seem counter-intuitive, but I promise you if you take a dive, you’ll feel the loving embrace of the darkness.
Scorpio wants us to explore the shadowy parts of ourselves and humanity - explore the deep undercurrents of hockey culture and its dark secrets. Expose the sexual assault, abuse, racist systems, misogynistic undertones (and, shit, overtones!) The more we expose ourselves to the truth and look for answers and how to make it right, the easier the sport we love (and hate!) can become more human.
The dark parts of ourselves and our society are what make us human - curiosity, the urge to pull the curtain back and look at the body lying before us. The muck and mud and shit and soil that we all choose to roll around in every day, but rarely rinse off, and then refuse to really look at it.
It’s all there, an expose for us to explore openly. Lift the veil - find the reason why we all stick around, even those of us who don’t feel loved here in this sport - if it’s so bad, why do we stay?
Because of the deep belief that we can change it.
Because of acceptance.
Because it’s dark to look at sometimes, and we are all part of that darkness.
But there’s light too.
I think during this Scorpio season, these 4 short weeks as we descend back into darkness (shorter daylight), we find answers for deeply interpersonal goings-on in our lives. The purpose of ourselves, our work, our love for hockey. Maybe learning and acceptance of premature loss.

This is a time when we can really find ourselves as we get lost.
Scorpio begs of us to go deep.
Scandals may emerge - things we hate about hockey (and ourselves) maybe surface this season. Don’t turn away from it. Run toward it, explore it - look at it from a curious observer's perspective and expose what you don’t like about it. Talk about it with groups, on Discord, on social media, in fantasy leagues, in person. Don’t let the dark underbelly of hockey remain dark. Expose it and talk about it. Bring to light the things we don’t want to acknowledge. Help change the culture by seeing it.
Acceptance is change.
There is no other sign more accepting of darkness and shadow than Scorpio.

Scorpio doesn’t even have to love it - or like it - but they can still accept that it is what it is, and it doesn’t have to be any more than that.
But, remember, a Scorpio will also strike and fight when they feel backed into a corner. So don’t let this time push you into a pit with no options. There’s always options, there’s always room to explore and grow.
Let curiosity guide you this season. Maybe you don’t like a certain player or fanbase - be willing to explore that and see it from other angles. Can you put yourself in someone else’s skates? Can you consider that we’re all just people arguing over the same sport we all love and want to be a part of? That competition and chirping and even real arguments are solely because we want to be a part of something bigger than ourselves. Because it’s not about ostracizing each other or tearing people down, not really. Isn’t what we’re all really afraid of just being alone, not being a part of the fanbase - the team; the “tribe?” Not being included in the tribe in ancestral times meant no food, no fire, no protection - it meant death. It’s a big deal woven deep into our DNA, our bones, our core, to not be included. To not be included is death. So sometimes we strike first, we take the petty shot, we are the smaller person (no offense, Brad Marchand) in order to protect ourselves when we fear no one else has our backs. (OooOOoOOO, very Scorpio.)
One of the funniest things as a person who LOVES HOCKEY and roots for a ton of teams are those moments I get to watch games observing both sets of fans screaming the same trash talk about one player that a player on their own team is EXACTLY LIKE, but they’re too blind by team-bias to see it. We are truly all the same, looking into a mirror. And trust me, I hate the fucking “people are a reflection of you” bit that some spiritual people try to use to bait and gaslight people out of doing their own self-work, but sometimes man - sometimes we do need to use people as a reflection of ourselves. If we did, maybe we’d see that TK and Brandon Tanev really aren’t all that different - and neither are we, Kraken and Flyers fans.
See yourself in the above paragraph and not a fan of being called out?
Do some more inner shadow work then, babes.
Stop being the smaller person.
Maybe we don’t have to be? Maybe we can discover through hockey, through sport (through all 32 teams playing in one day!) that we’re all just human beings going through something and hockey is the precious outlet that makes us feel (or sometimes, makes us feel less, or makes us feel something different than hatred towards ourselves and fellow humans). Maybe we can all be a little gentler with each other? Maybe we can find common ground through all the bullshit that is meant to tear us apart? Maybe sports fans don’t have to be so at each other’s throats all the time and in-fighting. Maybe we can look within, instead of without, and find out what’s really going on with the “HATER” within and what we all really need? Because it’s not a fight. I guarantee you, no matter where your life is at and what’s going on, none of us are looking for a fight - not really. What we’re looking for is deep gratifying unconditional comfort.
If we know we’re all just looking for that, can’t we try to give that to one another?
Being a hockey fan is shit sometimes. Maybe we can just try and make it a little easier on one another, especially when there’s intersectionality happening between marginalized fans.
Whatever dives you choose to take this season; interpersonal; into toxic hockey culture; into other teams and why they drive you so crazy (and what that actually says about YOU, not THEM) - remember to be a little softer as you tread. We don’t always have to be so hard. The world already does that for us.
And if hockey does give you that deep gratifying unconditional comfort, don’t try to take that away from someone else.
Important Dates and Transits:
New Moon: Nov 1; intuition will be flaring - trust yours!
Mercury in Sagittarius: Nov 2, know what you want, speak it, but don't be so cut-throat.
Venus in Capricorn: Nov 11; set stronger goals and go for them; great time to advance in doing what you love/making your dream career happen
Saturn exits retograde from June 30th in Pisces: Nov 15th; What accomplishments have you made since the end of June? Anything come full circle for you?
Full Moon in Taurus: November 15; a time of pleasure, luxury and embracing the SELF, including all darkness and shadow parts
Pluto in Aquarius: November 19th; time to innovate and reinvent the self after a month-long overhaul.