This ongoing project is more than land acknowledgment. This is a living document of resources and tools for folks who enjoy the sport of Hockey that are on occupied native land to pay rent to the original stewards of that stolen land. If you enjoy the NHL, please use this resource to educate yourselves, volunteer in your local community, and most importantly, give back the resources we have stolen from the original stewards of the land. Rent is overdue.
This project came about from my goal of visiting all 32 NHL arenas. Although at the beginning of my journey, one practice I put into place immediately is donating whatever I can when I travel to the tribes on whose land I am enjoying hockey.
Land Back means Land Back.
-Lacey, Double Hockey Stix owner
Yaqui & Coahuiltecan
Please keep in mind that Indigenous Nation's lands don’t exist in the context of their colonized Turtle Island aka American and Canadian state/province boundaries and borders. Some links and donations may go to tribes and funds outside of the city/state the arena is in, but support the tribe of whose land they’re on. Many of these instances are because Natives were displaced on oppressive, deadly relocations, such as The Trail of Tears. For example, many tribes that originated where NHL arenas currently occupy land today were displaced to Oklahoma.
This list is non-exhaustive and is meant to be a living document. The work here reflects the work we all have to do for and with Native communities - it will never truly be done.
If you find an error or broken link, or something on the website needs to be updated, removed, or added, please leave a comment or e-mail us.